AI Chat with Your PDFs

Easily interact with your PDF documents using our AI-driven chat tool.

or drop PDF file here

Best AI Chat for Your PDFs

Interact with your PDFs easily through AI chat.

Search, summarize, and query your PDFs.

AI-powered insights for all your documents.

Automated document analysis and more.

FAQ about our AI Chat with PDFs

Can I use AI Chat for PDFs for free?

Yes. You can use our AI tool for free, but there are limits to how many PDFs you can process per day.

Is AI Chat with PDFs safe?

Yes. It’s safe to use AI chat with your PDFs; the content remains secure and private.


HelpRange is GDPR-compliant

HelpRange is GDPR-compliant, allowing users to request file retrievals, manage storage dates, request destruction, run reports, and see a full audit trail of any physical activity with their documents.


Security and Privacy as Top Priority

We take security and privacy of your data as our top priority. HelpRange server-side encryption uses one of the strongest block ciphers available, 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256), to encrypt your data.